Get started today
If you’re starting the restoration process, or seeking help along the way, consider a site consultation with one of our ecologists or foresters. While onsite we will discuss your restoration goals, conduct an ecological assessment of your project site, and recommend management actions. We will discuss our services and ways we can advise you through the restoration process. Remote landowner? No problem - we can perform a site consultation independently and speak with you on phone or video.
Conservation coaching
If you wish to perform restoration on your own but would like professional guidance along the way, consider our conservation coaching services. Conservation coaching includes regular growing season site visits to assess restoration progress, recommendations for ongoing management, consulting in-person, via phone, video or email, sharing of resources, and assistance with cost-sharing or grant procurement, if desired. Draw from our experience working on thousands of acres, rather than starting from scratch, navigating a myriad of information. Get an informed head start on your restoration and land stewardship project.
Site consultation in the field plus one of the following:
+ in-person or over-the-phone discussion
+ preparation of a 1 page PDF of recommendations
+ preparation of a 5 page PDF of recommendations and restoration timeline
+ preparation of a restoration master plan, including in-depth survey of present vegetation, site history, management recommendations, and restoration timeline
We work with many landowners on a long-term basis. An essential component of this long-term relationship is regular growing season site visits to assess restoration progress and recommend ongoing management.
Monthly site visits during the growing season | April-September
+ additional consults upon request
Monthly site visits + up to 5 hours/month of consultation | annual
If you are interested in property-wide management, we recommend our land stewardship service. A dedicated land steward manages your property on a days/week or days/month basis throughout the year. The land steward performs all recommended aspects of restoration in a timely and adaptive manner. Although the land steward most often works independently, some services require additional support, like prescribed burning. Land stewardship arrangements can be modified to fit your needs on the property as well as your restoration goals.
Designated land steward | annual, minimum of 18 days/year
(608) 554-0411